My Blog is supposed to show how God shows himself through music! Go to or wait until I make a link to "my playlists."

Friday, November 24, 2006

A Cool Gizmo

I was reading a book called Gonzo Gizmos and I read about a film can cannon. It is really cool. It's made with wires,an igniter,a film can,and a block of wood. You first have to make a hole in the cap of the film can and poke the two wires through it. Then solder the other ends of the two wires to the igniter. Then spray some hairspray in the film can. Put the can on the cap and press the igniter. You have to use a cigerette lighter for an igniter. The can should make a loud BANG and fly up to thirty feet.

Monday, November 20, 2006

The Movie Cars

Have you watched the movie cars? I have. I thought that when lightening does that "katcho!" thing it's pretty cool. I am making something that can do that. I strap an elastic band (a pretty large one) around my head and tape a small mirror on the side of my head and get under some light. Then I turn my head real fast and say "KATCHO!". If my Aunt is reading this, please let my cousins know. I think they would have fun with one of those. I am sorry I can't mention names. Please let me know how they like it.

What I'd be doing...i put thought into my names.

Right now I'm pretty happy. I just swithed to beta blogger. Now anyone can comment on my blog. You just have to click on the words; 0 coments. There might be more than one comments though. Anyways, you then put your comment in the space given and click on the box that says "anonymous". Then click "publish comment". Pretty cool eh?

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I still don't know how to get music videos on my blog. I think there is supposed to be an e-mail sent by google and then I can access my acount. I also heard that it can take a long time. I am getting angry. I think they should be sued. Besides, who would name something important like that google? It sounds like some sort of baby talk. "Google ga ga". But I guess I just have to be pateint.

ANOTHER JOKE...i'm pretty good at these huh?

If cats have nine lives and people have one, why do people live longer. I think it's because we don't get tested to see if we always land on our feet (ouch!).

Monday, November 06, 2006

JOKE.... i still don't know what i am doing

If a bear attacked you in your sleep, and you thuoght it was a bunny in your dreams, What would you do to the bear? (I would nail it into the ground with a tent peg, I hate bunnies).

what am I doing

I am making a telescope for a kid named jack. I can't find lenses though. An old pair of binoculars would work. My brother won't let me disect his metal detector. I really am bored now.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

My Music

I have made a song and video taped it with a digital camera. I want to put it on my blog using a google acount. If anyone knows how to do that please tell me.


I watched Flicka last night. I think it should not be rated G. Do you think watching people getting flipped off a horse and then showing their scars and cuts is for General Audiences?

Saturday, November 04, 2006

a joke

I heard that a woman gives birth every ten seconds.
I think she should be found and stopped.

This a sweet cat huh?


Hello you are on my blog. On my blog I am trying to show you my music and movies for your enjoyment. I hope you have fun here. If you do, please tell me.