My Blog is supposed to show how God shows himself through music! Go to or wait until I make a link to "my playlists."

Saturday, November 18, 2006

I still don't know how to get music videos on my blog. I think there is supposed to be an e-mail sent by google and then I can access my acount. I also heard that it can take a long time. I am getting angry. I think they should be sued. Besides, who would name something important like that google? It sounds like some sort of baby talk. "Google ga ga". But I guess I just have to be pateint.


KFS said...

I'd like to say something important.....Ga Ga Goo goo

Connor said...

I think that they named the company Google because google is a really big number, so it's saying that you can find a really big number of things on their site.

Cam said...

yes, connor is somewhat correct on his notion about it being in reference to a big number. it's a misspell of the number googol, which is 10 to the 100th power.