My Blog is supposed to show how God shows himself through music! Go to or wait until I make a link to "my playlists."

Thursday, March 08, 2007

So many ways to have fun...

What a week. It's finally thursday. Tommorow is a PA day and then the weekend (when I can go to a birthday) and then there is Spring Break. Then the weekend that I go to Pittsburgh. If you were in my place, what would you do? I feel that I should take this chance and have fun but what should I do to have fun? (Besides snowball fights, making snow forts, sledding, snow tubing, and just playing in the snow) By the way, I will try to put a link to My Playlists today.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Report Card

It's that day of school that everyone works for. The day that some people get TV taken away for a week. Some are grounded. Some still survive to tell the dreadful tail. Or some people just live through it. I got my report card today. It was pretty depressing. Now that I have to learn French, my grades are going down. Five Bs, shieshk! Three in French!!! I guess I like the US's schools better now. But letting three letters get me down is not why I was made. I guess I better just do better next time. If you lived in France and came from the States, and someone threatened your life, it wouldn't make a difference if you didn't know any "French" insults would it? Your life is one of the most important things in life besides God. And it would not matter if you talked to god in French or not. He is perfect. He knows every language in the whole world. But if the school has it in it's criculum, I guess I'd better study it and bring my grades up.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Hot Tongue!

Well just who and how many people like hot stuff. I do and I think it's amazing what some people will do for an audience. Like me for an example. Me and my brother's friends had a hot eating contest. We tied when we both marignated jalepenos in tobasco sauce. I ate one first. It was HOT! I quickly took a drink of some pre-prepared ginger ale just to relise this made it worse. I swallowed some ice and coughed. Some ice came on the floor. When my brother's friend did the same, he burped from the ginger ale and I slipped on the ice I coughed up. But it looked like he burped me over! My brother was video taping all this. But unfortunately his camera had run out of memory before it was done!!!!!!!!!!!!. This is one of the ways I seem to many people to be immune to hot things. We tried to re-do the movie but it definitely was not as funny the second time! I love hot things, but it is not as fun when you don't have a funny, and natural reaction.

Ryan's Blog!!!

Hey everyone! My friend Ryan has a blog!!!!! He's a really nice kid who lived next door on kewanna. That's the street I used to live on. If you want to see it, type in The day I asked if he wanted a blog, he got one himself! He calls his blog the Journey. And he calls himself Car Man. Anyways he is a really nice kid and I have his blog link on my blog. (Phew, that was a handful)

Monday, March 05, 2007

"Snow Break"

I am really looking forward to march break. I am coming back to Pittsburgh on the weekend and might go snow tubing. And then I might just stay at home and make things. I wonder why they call it spring break. In some countries they don't have snow ever and everyday is warm and places like where I am they are still in snow. But maybe for some people, it really is the begining of Spring. I'm hoping for a lot of fun whether it is snowing or not. It's too bad you guys don't have spring break, it's a lot of fun to look forward to. Of course when I am typing this, I am hoping for a Snow Day tommorow. It's weird thinking of Spring and snow at the same time and looking forward to each.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Youth Group

Last night at youth group, we had an egg tossing contest. In the begining all the boys dropped their eggs but in the end the last pair of boys won. The last pair of boys was me and a friend. Origonally we had tied the other team, by throughing an egg and it splattered all over me. But the other team did the same. Of course we had a rematch. When we were about twenty-five feet away, the other team tossed their egg. Suddenly I noticed that the girl recieving's thumb had dissappeared. I looked closer and saw that the thumb was in the egg! And when she took her thumb out it squirted all over her. When we through are egg, I caught it without it breaking! We won!

The only disadvantage of this was walking through the lobby filled with 7-8 graders showing how simpithetic they could be. When I went to the bathroom little giggles and insults came out. And it didn't help that some eigth grade boys (including my brother) were sitting with chairs in front of the bathroom! I had egg all over and I could not wash it off!!!!!! You wouldn't guess how annoying that can be. But in the end I was fine. And I did it all for extra candy. That's Youth Group.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Snow Day

It's a snow day today and I get to stay home

But I can't go to a friends house, so I'm all alone

My brother is asleep and my dad is at work

So in a house is where I lurk

I'm on the computer having fun

And since it is friday, the week will be done

Tonight I have youth group, it's gonna be great

Days like these make you celibrate!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Wierd thought

Yesterday I was thinking about something to do. I was really bored because we were having an assembally. Later we started to go home. I was thinking of how it would be great to have a paperclip to fiddle with. Just then, a paperclip shot out of no where and hit my foot. It was from nowhere! I picked up. I wondered if God want's you to be happy even in the smallest of things. Later I made a catepolt that could fit on your pencil out of it.