My Blog is supposed to show how God shows himself through music! Go to or wait until I make a link to "my playlists."

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Report Card

It's that day of school that everyone works for. The day that some people get TV taken away for a week. Some are grounded. Some still survive to tell the dreadful tail. Or some people just live through it. I got my report card today. It was pretty depressing. Now that I have to learn French, my grades are going down. Five Bs, shieshk! Three in French!!! I guess I like the US's schools better now. But letting three letters get me down is not why I was made. I guess I better just do better next time. If you lived in France and came from the States, and someone threatened your life, it wouldn't make a difference if you didn't know any "French" insults would it? Your life is one of the most important things in life besides God. And it would not matter if you talked to god in French or not. He is perfect. He knows every language in the whole world. But if the school has it in it's criculum, I guess I'd better study it and bring my grades up.


Evbo said...

you're right! Its a basketball!

iotsker said...

Heehee, I knew you liked basketball.

Connor said...

wow, that's an impressive way to look at it -- nice job