My Blog is supposed to show how God shows himself through music! Go to or wait until I make a link to "my playlists."

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Hot Tongue!

Well just who and how many people like hot stuff. I do and I think it's amazing what some people will do for an audience. Like me for an example. Me and my brother's friends had a hot eating contest. We tied when we both marignated jalepenos in tobasco sauce. I ate one first. It was HOT! I quickly took a drink of some pre-prepared ginger ale just to relise this made it worse. I swallowed some ice and coughed. Some ice came on the floor. When my brother's friend did the same, he burped from the ginger ale and I slipped on the ice I coughed up. But it looked like he burped me over! My brother was video taping all this. But unfortunately his camera had run out of memory before it was done!!!!!!!!!!!!. This is one of the ways I seem to many people to be immune to hot things. We tried to re-do the movie but it definitely was not as funny the second time! I love hot things, but it is not as fun when you don't have a funny, and natural reaction.


Connor said...

I like hot things.
I'm reffering to food, if you're wondering.

iotsker said...

I thought you meant food.Why?

Ryan McGrane said...

I know what Connor means.

iotsker said...

You'd be the one to know:)haha, just kidding, Ryan.