My Blog is supposed to show how God shows himself through music! Go to or wait until I make a link to "my playlists."

Thursday, March 08, 2007

So many ways to have fun...

What a week. It's finally thursday. Tommorow is a PA day and then the weekend (when I can go to a birthday) and then there is Spring Break. Then the weekend that I go to Pittsburgh. If you were in my place, what would you do? I feel that I should take this chance and have fun but what should I do to have fun? (Besides snowball fights, making snow forts, sledding, snow tubing, and just playing in the snow) By the way, I will try to put a link to My Playlists today.


Connor said...
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Connor said...

What I would do?

a. Do something stupid but fun, so that you have a great story to tell when you come back.

b. Start working on a massive and amazing project and work on it all the way through break so that you don't feel like you wasted your time off.

Evbo said...

Wow you kinda just took away all possibilities. (spelling on that may be wrong) But I would probally do something really funny in school that you're not supposed to infront of a teacher with a bad memory span.

Ryan McGrane said...

Now that would be funny.

KFS said...

Hey Iotsker....I enjoyed your blog entry about french and insults!

Dr. Jaz said...

This Is Blaze

I say you should annoy as many people as possible without making them jump off a cliff

iotsker said...

Hmmmmmmm... I don't know what would happen if I did that.

Connor said...

post something (even though in saying this, I'm being a huge hypocrite)

Evbo said...

did u forget about your blog?!?!

Evbo said...

u haven't posted in like 5 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

iotsker said...

alright Evan I am posting

Ryan McGrane said...

Eliot, your last comment has been up for about a week now. What has happened?

VTW Forum

Ryan McGrane said...

Have you died Eliot?