My Blog is supposed to show how God shows himself through music! Go to or wait until I make a link to "my playlists."

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Wierd thought

Yesterday I was thinking about something to do. I was really bored because we were having an assembally. Later we started to go home. I was thinking of how it would be great to have a paperclip to fiddle with. Just then, a paperclip shot out of no where and hit my foot. It was from nowhere! I picked up. I wondered if God want's you to be happy even in the smallest of things. Later I made a catepolt that could fit on your pencil out of it.

1 comment:

KFS said...


He (God) probably DOES want you to be happy with even little things....and He loves the things you make with your hands - like that cool paper clip catapult!